Forbes July 7, 2022

Contributing to multiple development programs and commercial launches in healthcare has taught me the importance of multidisciplinary thinking and teamwork in professional life … and life in general. As Michael Jordan put it, “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” Precision medicine (PM) is a great example of a multidisciplinary endeavor in which success is only possible through the collective effort of multiple industries and public institutions; that’s why I chose this fascinating topic for my first Forrester blog.

Precision Medicine Transforms Healthcare

In recent decades, tremendous progress in biomarkers and bioinformatics has vastly expanded doctors’ power to personalize therapy, maximize the effectiveness of treatments, and minimize their side effects, giving rise to PM. With the advent of...

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Topics: Pharma / Biotech, Precision Medicine, Provider, Survey / Study, Trends
Sylvester Cancer Center Launches Precision-Medicine Focused Brain Tumor Institute
Largest GWAS for Breast Cancer in Women of African Ancestry Reveals Key Variants
New Study Links Ribosomal DNA Copy Number with Disease Risk
Navigating the Complexities of Payment for Genetic Testing
An NIH Genetics Study Targets a Long-Standing Challenge: Diversity

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