Becker's Healthcare April 18, 2024
Alexis Kayser

CEO pay, as a whole, is on the rise. But for the female CEOs of high-revenue companies, 2023 brought a “significant” drop in compensation, according to an April 18 report from Equilar.

The report — published to Harvard Law School’s Forum on Corporate Governance — analyzed proxy statements submitted by 163 Equilar 500 companies through March 15. Nearly 8% of the CEOs included in the data set were women. Joyce Chen, associate editor at Equilar, and Courtney Yu, its director of research, provided commentary on early trends gleaned from the proxy statements.

Overall, Equilar 500 CEO pay increased 11.3% from 2022 to 2023, with median pay reaching $15.7 million (up from $12 million in 2020). Executive pay dipped...

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