SC Media April 13, 2022
Jessica Davis

As states continue to enact their own privacy laws and Congress forges ahead with discussions of a federal privacy law, healthcare entities must prioritize coordination between privacy and security offices and look to NIST rather than The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements to strengthen their cyber posture and ensure compliance.

As Andrew Mahler, vice president of privacy and compliance for CynergisTek, sees it, the existing challenges with HIPAA compliance and current state regulations will only compound further as regulating bodies continue to strengthen existing consumer data privacy laws.

Despite known shortcomings, HIPAA is the current standard all healthcare entities must meet to ensure compliance. But past audits of the sector consistently find that many entities and business...

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Govt Agencies, Health IT, Healthcare System, HIPAA, Patient / Consumer, Privacy / Security, Provider, Technology
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