Fierce Healthcare December 14, 2017
Evan Sweeney

A meeting hosted by the White House on Tuesday included approximately 35 people from a range of healthcare sectors and featured a broad discussion that touched on incentivizing interoperability, defining information blocking and regulatory relief, several people who attended the meeting told FierceHealthcare.

In what one participant described as a “listening session” the group stuck closely to the agenda, focusing on well-worn health IT staples like EHR usability and reducing regulatory burden. There was a discussion around Meaningful Use requirements and EHR certification as some advocated for legislation that would provide a reprieve from increasingly stringent requirements.

RELATED: Intermountain, Cerner among those meeting with the White House about interoperability

Some walked away with a sense the administration is keenly focused...

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Topics: CMS, EMR / EHR, HIE (Interoperability), HITECH, Regulations
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