Forbes September 4, 2024
Seth Joseph

It’s been an incredibly busy summer for the Office of the National Coordinator, which has responsibility for developing federal policy and rules regarding health information technology. The agency received new authority, has been restructured and renamed. Its director, Micky Tripathi, has been named the administration’s action Chief AI Officer. And the agency itself has published a plethora of proposed policies and final rules in the past 90 days. If ever health technology policy were a pop culture topic, perhaps this summer’s ONC would be described as Brat.

Below is a Q&A with Micky Tripathi, now formally known as Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy and National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ASTP/ONC), and Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer (Acting).

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Topics: ASTP/ONC, EMR / EHR, Govt Agencies, Health IT, Health System / Hospital, HIE (Interoperability), Interview / Q&A, Provider, Technology, Trends
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