4sight Health April 24, 2024
David Burda

I fished a lot with my dad when I was growing up. More often than not, we caught more fish than other people around us, whether they were family, friends or strangers. My dad would tell me that 20% of the fishermen catch 80% of the fish, meaning that better fishermen catch most of the fish.

Now, there’s absolutely no way my dad knew that was the Pareto Principle. He likely heard that from one of his fishing buddies growing up. I’m sure none of those guys knew it was the Pareto Principle, either. I met a lot of them.

There were a few times when we were on the short end of that principle. But rather than being angry...

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Topics: Employer, Govt Agencies, Healthcare System, Insurance, Patient / Consumer, Pricing / Spending, Provider, Survey / Study, Trends
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