Becker's Healthcare September 24, 2024
Francesca Mathewes

ASCs leaders and physicians are at a pressure point between rising inflation, increased demand for healthcare services and declining reimbursements from Medicare and private payers.

Two ASC leaders—Shakeel Ahmed, MD, CEO of St. Louis-based Atlas Surgical Group and Brian Bizub, CEO of Raleigh (N.C.) Orthopaedic Clinic told Becker’s what they want to see CMS take action on for the future of ASC growth and sustainability:

1. Adjusted reimbursement rates. ASCs regularly receive lower reimbursement rates than hospital outpatient departments for the same procedures. CMS’ finalized payment rate for ASCs in its 2024 final rule was 3.1%, a decrease from 2023’s 3.8%. Both Dr. Ahmed and Mr. Bizub said the reimbursement rate for ASCs should be at least equivalent to...

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