Fast Company July 19, 2021
Ruth Reader

Got $15 and 10 minutes? You can renew your prescription on your smartphone.

Warby Parker is updating its vision-testing iPhone app in a big way. It can now perform an eye test requiring only 10 feet of space, 10 minutes, and good lighting. It’s also only $15 and is available in 29 states.

The app, which is changing its name from Prescription Check to Virtual Vision Test, renews prescriptions for anyone 18 to 65 years old with a single-vision distance prescription and no eye health concerns. Users fill out a quick, five-minute questionnaire, then prop up the iPhone and stand 10 feet away with their current prescription glasses or contact lenses on. As the phone shows a series of letters,...

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Topics: Apps, Digital Health, mHealth, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Technology, Telehealth
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