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About Rama SmartSearch - Combine Keywords
Search Example: Combine Keywords

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Walmart’s Medical Clinics

Reaction Data January, 2020

Walmart recently announced that it will open stand-alone facilities to offer primary care, dental, optometry, counseling, lab tests, X-rays, hearing, wellness education, and behavioral health. Prices will be transparent. Patients can pay cash, and insurance will be accepted.

We reached out to individuals from provider organizations asking them to share their opinions on what Walmart is doing, as well as their thoughts on how effective Walmart could be as a healthcare provider and how they believe this will have an impact on their organization.


Being in the data business, we’ve gotten good at guessing what the results might be on any given study. However, we must...

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Topics: Patient / Consumer, Provider, Retail care, Retailer, Survey / Study, Trends
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