Health Affairs August 23, 2024
Jeanne F. Ayers, Gnora Mahs, Anthony Iton

Voting is now recognized as a public health priority. In June 2023, voter participation was named as a ‘core objective’ in the nation’s health goals, Healthy People 2030. Core objectives reflect high-priority public health issues that are associated with evidence-based interventions. In explaining its decision, the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) said: “Voting offers a chance for people to contribute to decisions that can affect their communities and directly or indirectly impact their health and well-being.” In parallel, the American Public Health Association (APHA) and the American Medical Association (AMA) released statements supporting the importance of voting. In its statement, the APHA said, “Progress on health disparities will be limited if public health neglects to fully address...

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Topics: Congress / White House, Equity/SDOH, Govt Agencies, Healthcare System, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Public Health / COVID
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