Becker's Healthcare May 15, 2019
Angie Stewart

Amazon, Google, Uber and other companies outside the healthcare space will fail to develop lasting solutions for the industry if they don’t take provider and patient experiences into consideration, according to Forbes contributor Sachin H. Jain.

Four takeaways from Mr. Jain:

1. EMR implementation is a prime example of why it’s critical to understand the patient and provider perspectives, according to Mr. Jain. Implementation has been tumultuous and slow-going because software engineers haven’t had that clinical awareness.

2. Mr. Jain cites Boston-based Harvard Medical School as an example of an educational model for non-healthcare leaders. To help business and science leaders learn what care delivery entails, Harvard Medical School launched an executive education program. Executives participate in classroom discussions and...

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Topics: Digital Health, EMR / EHR, Health IT, Health System / Hospital, Healthcare System, Insurance, Patient / Consumer, Physician, Provider, Retail care, Retailer, Technology, Trends
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