Health Affairs December 1, 2022

Value-based payment is a systemic intervention with the potential to affect all drivers of excess health spending and growth, including prices, administrative waste, clinical waste, and other factors.

Top Findings From The Literature

  • More than half of health care payments in the US are still based on fee-for-service.
  • Savings attributable to Accountable Care Organizations range from just under 1 percent to just over 6 percent of per person spending.
  • The effects of bundled payments vary across procedures and patient populations.
  • Research on savings from capitation is limited.

For decades, the level and growth of US health care spending has diverged from both international and domestic norms, leading many to characterize rising health expenditures as “unsustainable.” Between 1970 and...

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Topics: ACO (Accountable Care), CMS, Employer, Govt Agencies, Insurance, Patient / Consumer, Payment Models, Provider, Value Based
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