Becker's Healthcare November 14, 2024
Patsy Newitt

United Surgical Partners International, Surgery Partners and HCA Healthcare, through its Surgery Ventures arm, are three of the largest ASC operators by number of centers.

Here are 13 notes to know on the three companies’ third quarter results:

USPI (Dallas)

1. USPI’s third quarter revenue hit $1.13 billion, a 21% increase from the same quarter last year.

2. USPI’s adjusted earnings before interest, taxes and appreciation jumped 18.6% in the third quarter from $370 million to $439 million in the most recent quarter.

3. Surgical business same-facility systemwide net patient service revenues increased 8.7%, with cases up 1% and net revenue per case up 7.6%.

4. USPI’s portfolio includes 520 ambulatory surgery centers (376 consolidated) and 24 surgical hospitals...

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