Forbes June 29, 2021
Chantal Da Silva

A team at the Eastern Michigan University (EMU) is using virtual reality to help address healthcare inequities for Asian Americans by teaching medical staff how to deliver “culturally competent” care to the communities they serve.

Earlier this year, the EMU School of Nursing was awarded a $72,000 grant to develop a virtual reality program aimed at addressing health inequities affecting Asian Americans.

Provided by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, EMU was one of only two nursing schools in the state to receive the grant.

Now, Dr Tsu-Yin Wu, director of the Center for Health Disparities Innovation and Studies (CHDIS) at EMU and a professor and director of the university’s school of nursing PhD program, is overseeing the...

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Topics: Equity/SDOH, Healthcare System, Metaverse/VR, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Technology
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