Becker's Healthcare February 10, 2025
Claire Wallace

In 2024, U.S. News & World Report debuted its first annual “Best Ambulatory Surgery Centers” ranking, highlighting four different specialties: colonoscopy and endoscopy, ophthalmology, orthopedics and spine, and urology.

Now, the publication is gearing up to release its 2025 iteration, with several tweaks to its plan and methodology.

In 2024, the ratings were based on a number of factors, including risk-adjusted, objective outcomes such as post-procedure complications, emergency department visits, unplanned inpatient admissions and other undesirable results, according to a Feb. 10 press release from U.S. News.

The second annual list will debut on March 18, with several methodology-based changes. The changes include:

1. ASCs that...

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