Health Payer Intelligence April 5, 2021
While the Medicare Advantage space saw a burst in overall enrollment in 2021, for-profit plans—particularly UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage plans—drove that increase.
Increased enrollment in for-profit Medicare Advantage plans drove record-high Medicare Advantage enrollment levels in 2021 with UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage plans taking the lead, a report from The Chartis Group found.
“The headline-grabber this year is United,” the report stated. “2021 further cemented them as the unrivaled national leader in Medicare Advantage and increased their share 1 percentage point. In 2019 and 2020, they fought for this position with Aetna and Humana, but this year unmistakably outpaced both for membership capture.”
UnitedHealthcare saw the greatest growth among the for-profit health plans, adding 827,000 new lives to the company’s Medicare Advantage...