Lexology December 13, 2022
Sidley Austin LLP

The U.S. Pandemic Response Accountability Committee’s Health Care Subgroup recently issued a report identifying program integrity risks posed by the increased use of telehealth by federal programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report suggests additional oversight steps that Medicare and other relevant federal programs should take to address potential fraud and abuse stemming from telehealth services. This report underscores that government watchdogs will continue to closely scrutinize the spike in telehealth usage that took place during the pandemic.

During the first year of the pandemic, six U.S. agencies spent more than $6.2 billion on telehealth services. The majority of the spending was in the fee-for-service Medicare program, which accounted for $5.1 billion (Medicare Advantage expenditure data are unavailable). Overall, the...

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Topics: CMS, Digital Health, Govt Agencies, OIG, Provider, Technology, Telehealth
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