KFF February 18, 2021

The House COVID-19 relief proposal would temporarily lower what millions of Marketplace enrollees and uninsured potential enrollees would pay toward premiums and would provide states that have not expanded their Medicaid programs a financial boost that would more than offset their costs initially, two new KFF analyses find.

The analyses assess two parts of the House plan aimed at expanding access to affordable health coverage by expanding the Affordable Care Act’s tax credits for people buying marketplace coverage and by offering new financial incentives to those states that to date have not expanded their Medicaid programs to cover low-income adults.

The first analysis looks at the House plan’s provisions that would enhance the tax credits available to people who purchase...

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Topics: ACA (Affordable Care Act), Congress / White House, Govt Agencies, Insurance, Medicaid, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Public Exchange, Regulations, States
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