MedCity News April 14, 2023
Ian Shakil

Ambient AI promises a second coming for technology at the point of care enabling EHR systems to elegantly work for providers in the background, in natural workflows and “in conversation,” versus requiring the provider and patients to step aside, waste time, and “feed the beasts” of legacy transactional systems.

The pandemic caused ample innovation in healthcare, and with 2023 in full swing, many are wondering how the industry will continue to advance in the year ahead. One surging meme of the moment that keeps coming up—from call centers and clinics, to healthcare-at-home—is ambient artificial intelligence (AI).

Ever since the well-intended HITECH Act mandated the use of Electronic Health Records (EHRs), providers have been on the journey to adopt technology at...

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Topics: AI (Artificial Intelligence), EMR / EHR, Health IT, Physician, Provider, Technology, Voice Assistant
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