Managed Healthcare Executive April 21, 2020
Lindsay R. Resnick, MHA

Futurists and pundits are advising healthcare companies to look forward and not backward in a post-COVID-19 world. However, the coronavirus pandemic was an interrupter, a sudden force unsettling the healthcare landscape early in 2020. Healthcare trends shaping strategic plans and tactical implementation efforts were moving full-speed ahead. And then, boom… everything came to a screeching halt, agendas were put on hold, and budgets were frozen or suspended indefinitely.

While there’s consensus COVID-19 has changed the business of healthcare forever, it’s important not to dismiss the trends that were influencing investments and used to deploy resources designed to shape the future of healthcare. Reevaluating and reactivating these initiatives intended to improve the way healthcare is delivered, financed and accessed by consumers...

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Topics: Equity/SDOH, Insurance, Mental Health, Patient / Consumer, Population Health Mgmt, Provider, Technology, Trends
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