Becker's Healthcare December 3, 2024
Kelly Gooch

Average weekly travel nurse pay in the U.S. in November was $2,286.34, up 0.65% from the previous month and down 3.34% from November 2023, according to data shared with Becker’s from Vivian, a healthcare career marketplace.

Here is the average weekly travel nurse pay for each state as of November 2024, along with the percentage difference between November and October.

Note: States are listed in descending order based on their average weekly travel nurse pay in November.


November: $2,778.67
Month-over-month decrease: 1.14%


November: $2,686.83
Month-over-month decrease: 1.16%


November: $2,594.51
Month-over-month increase: 0.24%


November: $2,551.75
Month-over-month increase: 1.42%

New York

November: $2,549.51
Month-over-month increase: 0.71%


November: $2,540.63
Month-over-month increase: 3.91%


November: $2,531.54
Month-over-month increase: 0.96%

New Jersey

November: $2,519.93
Month-over-month decrease: 0.33%



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