Healthcare Finance News March 22, 2023
Susan Morse

When data exchange is treated as a strategic initiative it gets better results than doing the minimum to meet compliance, says Drew Ivan of Lyniate.

The recent Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed Interoperability and Patient Access proposed rule is designed to provide patients with easier, more useful access to their health information, according to Drew Ivan, chief strategy officer at Lyniate.

It’s one of a dozen mandates for interoperability, he said, but to Ivan most of what healthcare does is about interoperable systems: Between EHRs and billing; between medical devices and EHRs; between providers and patients; and between providers and payers.

“We have a really broad interpretation of interoperability,” Ivan said of Lyniate, a company that specializes in...

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Topics: EMR / EHR, Health IT, HIE (Interoperability), Insurance, Payer, Provider, Technology
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