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This chart is a powerful indictment of our current health-care system

Washington Post March 8, 2017
Christopher Ingraham

Is the money we’re spending on health care keeping us alive?

On a certain level, that’s the big test of any health-care system — and the United States is failing.

According to above chart, U.S. life expectancy continues to lag far behind other developed countries, despite spending way more on medical treatments aimed at keeping us alive.

The chart, courtesy of Oxford economist Max Roser, plots per-capita health-care spending against life expectancy for the world’s wealthiest countries over the past 40-plus years. Each country gets one line, which plots its trajectory on those measures over time.

Looking at the chart, two things become clear: As Roser notes, the big takeaway is that, in wealthy countries, more spending on health leads...

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Topics: ACA (Affordable Care Act), CMS, Congress / White House, Employer, Health System / Hospital, Healthcare System, HHS, Market Research, Medicaid, Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Physician, Population Health Mgmt, Pricing / Spending, Primary care, Provider, Public Exchange, Self-insured
Primary Care Scorecard: How it started
Challenges with Effective Price Transparency Analyses
Survey finds many Americans greatly overestimate primary care spending
Athenahealth to offer Abridge's AI scribe to its network of thousands of doctors
How health tech companies drop the ball in pitches to hospitals

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RamaOnHealthcare - Advertise With Us

This chart is a powerful indictment of our current health-care system

Washington Post March 8, 2017
Christopher Ingraham


Today's Sponsors

Got healthcare questions? Just ask Transcarent

Today's Sponsor


Topics: ACA (Affordable Care Act), CMS, Congress / White House, Employer, Health System / Hospital, Healthcare System, HHS, Market Research, Medicaid, Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Physician, Population Health Mgmt, Pricing / Spending, Primary care, Provider, Public Exchange, Self-insured
Primary Care Scorecard: How it started
Challenges with Effective Price Transparency Analyses
Survey finds many Americans greatly overestimate primary care spending
Athenahealth to offer Abridge's AI scribe to its network of thousands of doctors
How health tech companies drop the ball in pitches to hospitals

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