Managed Healthcare Executive April 21, 2020
Deborah Abrams Kaplan

By almost any measure, these are good times for Medicare Advantage (MA). Enrollment is growing, the number of insurers in the market is increasing, and gross margins are higher than in other health insurance markets. Some critics say the deck has been stacked in favor of MA and that the federal government is overpaying the insurers who offer MA plans relative to traditional Medicare. But for the legions of baby boomers who have become eligible for Medicare once they turn 65, the allure of MA plans — many with low or zero premiums, built-in Part D coverage, dental coverage, and other additional benefits — is strong. The trade-offs for beneficiaries are a narrower network of providers and managed care hoops...

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Topics: CMS, Govt Agencies, Insurance, Medicare Advantage, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Provider
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