Health Affairs January 20, 2022
Katrina E. Donahue, Donna Manca, Jacqueline R. Halladay, Jinping Xu, Rowena J. Dolor, Hazel Tapp, Elexia Wright, Michelle L. Hernandez, Jack Westfall, Donald E. Nease, Jr.

Watersheds are the sources that nourish the streams and rivers that water the fields, flora, fauna, towns, and cities of every nation. Watersheds themselves are fed by the rain and snow that fall. When water-providing clouds fail, watersheds fail, rivers dry up, and life suffers. Similarly, the majority of patient visits to clinicians happen in primary care; primary care practices act as watersheds for the health of populations in every nation. Primary care is where and how most people get most of their health care. Today the watershed of primary care in North America is at risk, already low in numbers: representing 30 percent of the physician workforce, underfunded: supported by only 5.4 percent of US health spending, and now...

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Topics: Healthcare System, Physician, Primary care, Provider, Public Health / COVID
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