Health Affairs January 21, 2020
Allyson Y. Schwartz and Griffin Myers

Consumer choice and coverage security. These phrases are often bandied about as partisan buzzwords in the health care reform debates of today; depicted as mutually exclusive values in service to the political narrative.

The more than 24 million beneficiaries who are covered by Medicare Advantage, however, tell a different story. They prize both of these ideals and see them both fulfilled through their health coverage in Medicare Advantage.

Medicare Advantage is a public-private partnership offered as an alternative way to receive Medicare benefits for those ages 65 and older and those with disabilities eligible for Medicare. The growing roster of beneficiaries who actively choose Medicare Advantage are not making health care decisions through a political lens, rather they are simply...

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Topics: CMS, Govt Agencies, Insurance, Medicare Advantage, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Provider
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