Health Affairs February 4, 2020
Allyson Y. Schwartz and Gaurov Dayal

Here’s a startling fact: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Americans made a record-setting 145.6 million visits to hospital emergency rooms in 2016 alone, the most recent year for which this data is available. What’s more, over six million of these visits were classified as “non-urgent”.

We all want access to high-quality emergency care when we need it. Afterall, for acute health concerns, the ER frequently is the most appropriate option. Yet, with ER visits climbing faster than the overall population; with more and more ER visits not being for emergencies; and with visits to the ER – a costly care setting – adding to mounting national health expenditures, policymakers are right to consider better ways to...

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Topics: CMS, Govt Agencies, Insurance, Medicare Advantage, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Provider
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