Psychiatric Times May 29, 2024
Vincenzo Di Nicola, MPhil, MD, PhD, FCAHS, DLFAPA, DFCPA

From populations to patients.


No disciple of the wise may live in a city that does not have a physician, a surgeon, a bathhouse, a lavatory, a source of water, a synagogue, a school teacher, a scribe, a treasurer of charity funds for the poor, a court that has authority to punish.

—Moses Maimonides1

The medieval Jewish scholar Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, known to us by his Greek name Maimonides (1135-1204), was considered the greatest authority of his time in medicine, philosophy, and Torah scholarship. Maimonides brought together a surprisingly contemporary worldview regarding what we call public health and social psychiatry. His list of essential ingredients for choosing a healthy city includes elements of basic public health needs...

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