Healthcare IT Today September 10, 2024
Guest Author

The following is a guest article by the Healthcare Business of LexisNexis® Risk Solutions

The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly transformed the landscape of mental health in the United States. While the virus itself posed an immediate threat to physical health, the ripple effects of the pandemic have led to a significant and persistent mental health crisis. Isolation, loneliness, and access to healthcare, including vaccines, have emerged as critical social determinants of health (SDOH) factors that have significantly impacted mental health outcomes.

SDOH are non-medical factors that influence health outcomes. These can include economic stability, education, social and community context, health and healthcare access, and neighborhood and environment. Understanding these factors is essential for healthcare organizations aiming to reduce health disparities...

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Topics: Equity/SDOH, Healthcare System, Mental Health, Patient / Consumer, Provider
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