Keckley Report April 1, 2024
Paul Keckley

Last week, Lown Institute released its latest report about hospital charity care concluding “80% of all nonprofit hospitals’ charity care falls behind tax breaks” based on 2021 IRS data for 2425 NFP hospitals it analyzed. Headline findings in this report include:

  • ‘Hospitals spent 3.87% of their budget on “community investments”, on average, but this proportion varied widely from less than 1% at some facilities to nearly 9% at others. In 5 states – Michigan, West Virginia, Louisiana, Washington and Rhode Island – 97% or more of all hospitals have a fair share deficit vs. 5 states in which a majority of hospitals have a fair share surplus: Delaware, Montana, Maryland, Texas and Utah.’
  • ‘In last year’s report, the Lown...

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