HealthTech March 29, 2024
Brian Eastwood

Interest in wearable technology has surged as devices grow more sophisticated. Patients and providers can benefit, but health systems first need to tackle data management challenges.

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An Overview of the Wearable Market in Healthcare

MarketsandMarkets suggests that the global market for wearable healthcare devices will approach $70 billion by 2028, with annual growth in the market exceeding 11 percent per year. Devices fall into two broad categories.

One is medical-grade wearables such as blood pressure, glucose and heart monitors. These devices undergo clinical research and must receive U.S. Food and Drug Administration clearance to gather data that will be used to support clinical decision-making. Common use cases for medical-grade wearables include monitoring...

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Topics: Digital Health, Survey / Study, Technology, Trends, Wearables
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