MCOL January 10, 2020
Clive Riddle

The MCOL Managed Care Fact Sheets have just been updated, an ongoing online feature provided since the 1990s. Here’s some highlights:

Overall national managed care penetration is now 75.4%. Here’s a breakdown by payor segment, based on 2019 data:

Sources: (see Note 1)

Here is the total national managed care enrollment by coverage type, based on 2018 data:

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO): 94.8 million

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO): 165.8 million

Point of Service (POS): 4.8 million

High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP): 15.6 million

Total* 81.0 million

* The above total enrollment exceeds the total actual national managed care population due to double counting of A) spouses and dependents who have dual coverage; and B) HDHP plans that are also...

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