Politico July 17, 2024
Ruth Reader, Daniel Payne, Carmen Paun, Erin Schumaker and Toni Odejimi


Congress is taking its time to decide whether Medicare should permanently pay for telehealth.

The Bipartisan Policy Center says that’s a mistake. The think tank’s new policy report advises legislators to adopt a long-term Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement strategy that gives providers reason to invest in the service.

“The potential problem there is telehealth providers and investors won’t have that certainty needed to make long-term investments in telehealth infrastructure to support continuing to integrate telehealth into our larger health care system,” Maya Sandalow, senior policy analyst at the center, told Ruth.

Extending the temporary telehealth rules adopted during the Covid pandemic, which are set to expire at the end of the year — and seems to be the...

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Topics: Congress / White House, Digital Health, Govt Agencies, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Technology, Telehealth
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