Aging In Place Technology Watch May 17, 2022
Laurie Orlov

When it comes to people, the US Census has all the data. From its American Community Survey (ACS) summary files and detailed tables, we know as of November, 2021, for example, the US population (315 million), the number of housing units (133 million) and whether they are owner-occupied. Further, it tells the number of people in geographic locations, education and marital status, employment status (173 million), the percent aged 65+ (more than 55 million as of the date of the most recent survey). The questionnaire is publicly available on the Census website. While many of the questions are intriguing (and used for redistricting) and the data results are much-reported, technology ownership is rarely discussed. So here are some snapshots of...

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Topics: Digital Health, Patient / Consumer, Survey / Study, Technology, Trends, Wearables
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