Forbes February 10, 2025
Judy Stone

There’s a new measles outbreak in West Texas, with seven of the 10 cases identified so far requiring hospitalization. None had been vaccinated. Since measles is so highly contagious and is transmitted through the air, there are likely to be more cases.

Between Dec. 1, 2023, and Jan. 23, 2024, there were 23 measles cases in California. A 2015 outbreak originating in Disneyland infected 125 people. Other notable outbreaks last year occurred in Minnesota, Illinois and Oregon; cases totaled 284 in the U.S. Globally, measles has increased 20%.

Measles was considered essentially eliminated by 2000, as there had been no continuous spread over a year. It’s back.

That’s an important consideration as federal legislators weigh Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s qualifications...

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