Politico June 20, 2024
By Chelsea Cirruzzo and Ben Leonard

With Carmen Paun and Kelly Hooper

Driving the Day

THE STATE OF TELEHEALTH — As lawmakers weigh telehealth’s future with broad bipartisan support, it’s becoming clear that it hasn’t yet made the impact on cost and access that some thought it would.

Usage has fallen — to the disappointment of Congressional leaders and the investment and tech sectors, some of whom thought it could fundamentally transform the U.S. health care system.

In 2021, former Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), a leading voice in Congress on health care until his retirement last year, called telemedicine “one of the best things, probably, since sliced bread.”

Now, evidence is growing that telehealth hasn’t delivered the anticipated broad cost savings, and that trend isn’t expected...

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Topics: CMS, Congress / White House, Digital Health, Govt Agencies, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Technology, Telehealth
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