Healthcare Finance News November 18, 2024
Susan Morse

Extension of other PHE waivers for telehealth and remote monitoring awaits action by Congress before the end of this year.

For the third time, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services has extended telemedicine flexibilities for the prescribing of controlled medications and certain narcotic drugs.

The extension runs through December 31, 2025.

The American Telemedicine Association, telepsychiatry practices and others have supported the continuation of these prescriptions to be available without the necessity of an in-person visit.

Practitioners can prescribe schedule II-V controlled medications and schedule III-V narcotic controlled medications for withdrawal management treatment of opioid use disorder, via audio-only telemedicine encounters.


Without the extension in the Third Temporary Extension of COVID-19...

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Topics: Digital Health, Govt Agencies, HHS, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Technology, Telehealth
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