Telehealth and Medicine Today April 30, 2024
Praveen Haranath, MBBS, MPH, FCCP, Hima Bindu Kotamarthy, MBBS, MD, FNB, Sri Ramya Ganti, MBBS, MD, MRCP, DS Srinivas, MBBS, MD

Methods: A 23-year-old male was admitted to a peripheral center following a fall from a tractor. Examination at admission revealed a conscious, stable patient with significant chest pain. The tele-ICU (intensive care unit) was called, and when they received the patient, he was stabilized and managed immediately. The tele-ICU connection was provided through the Command Center in Apollo Hospitals, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, India, which is connected to multiple spoke locations at peripheral centers using audio-visual aids. An intensivist is available 24 h daily to provide critical care services to the peripheral centers through audio-visual aids. The tele-ICU connection is provided to the peripheral centers through commercial audio-visual and bedside data transfer devices. The tele-ICU team supervised the primary survey remotely...

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Topics: Digital Health, Health System / Hospital, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Technology, Telehealth
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