HealthIT Answers February 23, 2023

By Ben Herzberg, Chief Scientist and VP of Marketing, Satori
Twitter: @SatoriCyber

Under the HITECH Act, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has to post and investigate all data breaches of health records affecting 500 people or more. In the last 24 months, there have been 885 breaches.

As a healthcare provider, these statistics should spur you to think of ways to survive this data breach epidemic. Not only will you be doing right by your patients, but you will also protect yourself from legal liability. Right now, penalties for data breaches of health information can go up to $10 million.

Here are four tips on securing your healthcare data in order to prevent data breaches.

1. Automating data...

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Govt Agencies, Health IT, Health System / Hospital, HHS, HITECH, Provider, Technology
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