Healthcare Innovation November 11, 2024
David Raths

Survey presents an opportunity to evaluate the state of readiness within public health and to identify avenues for enhancing its resilience

A new Public Health Cybersecurity Readiness Survey will inform recommendations for grant funding and shape significant policies within the public health sector.

The survey is an effort of the Joint Public Health Cybersecurity Task Group, the Healthcare and Public Health Sector Coordinating Council (HSCC) and the Healthcare and Public Health Sector Joint Cyber Working Group in partnership with The University of Texas at Austin.

It aims to assess the cybersecurity preparedness of state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) public health agencies, their readiness to address cyber threats, and their specific needs for support.

The voluntary research survey, developed through...

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Healthcare System, Public Health / COVID, Survey / Study, Technology, Trends
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