Managed Healthcare Executive November 5, 2020
MHE Staff

A survey by Luma Health shows that 52% of patients are comfortable or very comfortable with telehealth. A quarter of providers see a risk of their organizations going out of business.

Designating a separate entrance and treatment area for COVID-19 patients and enforcing social distancing in lobbies and waiting areas are among the steps that hospital executives could take to make patients less worried about COVID-19 exposure, according to the results of a survey conducted by Luma Health.

Luma Health is San Francisco-based digital health company that markets patient-provider communication and marketing tools.

In an online survey completed by 1,293 patients in August and September, 64% of the respondents indicated that a separate entrance and area could...

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Topics: Digital Health, Health IT, Healthcare System, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Public Health / COVID, Survey / Study, Technology, Telehealth, Trends
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