Health Evolution November 15, 2023
Ashley Antonelli

Primary care long has been at the center of value-based contracts. But as the health care industry looks to expand value-based payments, questions are swirling about how to best incorporate specialty care into accountable care models.

At 2023 Health Evolution Connect, executives from across the industry came together to explore the future of specialty value-based care. In a conversation titled “The Next Chapter of Value-Based Care: Navigating the Intersection Between Primary and Specialty Care to Advance Accountable Care,” moderator Bill Nordmark, CEO, Enlace Health, and discussion leaders Adam Boehler, CEO, Rubicon Founders; Brad Smith, Founder & CEO, Russell Street Ventures; and Sukanya Soderland, SVP & Chief Strategy Officer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, examined how leaders can better engage...

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Topics: ACO (Accountable Care), Payment Models, Physician, Provider, Value Based
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