AJMC April 8, 2022
As promising advances in providing care at home evolve, further research—with special attention to underserved populations—is needed to assess the clinical, equity, and economic impacts and to accelerate implementation where appropriate.
Am J Manag Care. 2022;28(4):In Press
The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated several unanticipated transformative changes to health care delivery in the United States. Among the most important is a shift in venue from in-person, office-based care to care delivered virtually (by telephone or computer) or in the patient’s home. In addition to the well-studied adjuncts such as telemedicine and hospital-at-home, the use of community paramedicine—urgent care delivered by paramedics in patients’ homes—is growing rapidly. As is the case for telemedicine, key stakeholders are carefully scrutinizing the impact of this...