American Hospital Association June 24, 2024
Molly Smith - Group Vice President for Public Policy, American Hospital Association

Last week, several academics released a working paper saying hospital prices lead to employment losses outside the health sector, among other faulty conclusions. The study uses extremely limited and disparate data and, unsurprisingly, was funded by Arnold Ventures, offering yet another example of that group’s willingness to back even the sloppiest work as long as it paints hospitals in the most negative light. The flaws in this study are best illustrated by the authors’ assertion that hospital price increases lead to increases in suicide. That preposterous claim undermines their entire analysis.

The authors’ approach to their economic arguments is, in a word, odd. First, they start with the hypothesis that rising hospital prices lead to job loss. They then link...

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Topics: Health System / Hospital, Healthcare System, Pricing / Spending, Provider, Survey / Study, Trends
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