Health IT Security September 22, 2017
Elizabeth Snell

OCR’s Iliana Peters presented key reminders on OCR HIPAA guidance for providers as they work to create strong cybersecurity measures.

Covered entities should not be afraid to regularly review OCR HIPAA guidance and ensure that they remain compliant, even as they add new technologies into the daily workflow, according to OCR Senior Advisor for HIPAA Compliance and Enforcement Iliana Peters.

Peters presented a webcast earlier this week, discussing key areas of HIPAA compliance such as vendor risk management, business associate agreements, and the importance of ongoing risk assessments.

Covered entities must review their policies and procedures, and make necessary updates as needed. This includes having an updated risk assessment, proper employee training, and documented business associate relationships.

Peters also...

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Topics: CMS, Cybersecurity, Health System / Hospital, HHS, HIPAA, Medicaid, Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Payer, Physician, Primary care, Provider, Self-insured
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