Healthcare Innovation July 27, 2023
Renovis Health CEO Reginald Euburuche, M.D., on Participating in ACO REACH
As a relative ACO newcomer, the ACO REACH (Realizing, Equity, Access, and Community Health) Program is proving itself worthy through year-over-year growing numbers of participants. The Program currently has 184 participants and 47 preferred providers. Among the program’s satisfied members is the Southfield, Mich.-based Renovis Health, which was co-founded by current CEO, Reginald Euburuche, M.D., who looks to continue serving the healthcare needs of elderly and home-bound Medicare communities in the Detroit area by way of the benefits that the ACO REACH Program offers. To further enhance the ACO REACH program benefits for patients, Dr. Euburuche and his colleagues recently reached out to the professionals at Innovaccer as their...