EHR Intelligence April 11, 2017

More than a score of healthcare organizations, associations, and academies are urging Congress to help support the development of a national patient identifier.

A group of 25 healthcare organizations representing providers, payers, and health IT companies have written members of the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations to remove a nearly twenty-year-old provision preventing HHS from adopting or implementing a national patient identifier.

The America’s Health Insurance Plans, American Medical Association, College of Healthcare Information Management Executives, Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), and Intermountain Healthcare were notable subscribers to last week’s letter.

The group of healthcare organizations are insisting that report language be included in the FY18 Labor-HHS spending bill to empower HHS to aid private sector...

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Topics: CMS, Congress / White House, EMR / EHR, Health IT, Health System / Hospital, Healthcare System, HHS, HIE (Interoperability), HIM (Health Inf Mgmt), Medicaid, Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Physician, Population Health Mgmt, Primary care, Provider
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