HIT Consultant November 9, 2023
Syed Hamza Sohail

What You Should Know:

  • ReflexAI, the leading provider of AI-powered training and quality assurance tools for crisis response, emergency dispatch, and healthcare organizations, launched HomeTeam, a digital training tool that teaches veterans how to support each other with mental health challenges.
  • Developed with support from Google.org, the free platform includes educational modules that cover high-priority topics in mental health support, followed by AI-powered chat simulations that enable veterans to practice lifelike conversations in a low-risk, confidential setting.

Improving the Lives and Mental Health of Veterans Across the Country

The suicide rate among veterans is a public health crisis. Seventeen veterans die by suicide every day, which is 1.5 times the rate of non-veterans. ReflexAI’s research with hundreds of...

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Topics: AI (Artificial Intelligence), Mental Health, Provider, Technology, VA / DoD
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