Healthcare Innovation May 15, 2024
Pietje Kobus

Per a new RAND hospital pricing report, in 2022, hospitals charged private insurers 2.5 to 3 times more than Medicare would have paid

According to a new RAND report, prices paid to hospitals during 2022 by employers and private insurers averaged 254 percent of what Medicare would have paid. Research organization RAND stated in a press release on May 13 that there is a wide price variation among states. RAND concluded that while some states had relative prices under 200 percent of Medicare, other states had relative prices above 300 percent of Medicare.

The study found that in 2022, relative prices for inpatient hospital services averaged 255 percent of Medicare prices, outpatient hospital services averaged 289 percent, and associated professional...

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Topics: Health System / Hospital, Healthcare System, Insurance, Medicare, Payer, Pricing / Spending, Provider, Survey / Study, Trends
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