McKinsey December 14, 2021
Matteo Biondi, Anna Heid, Nicolaus Henke, Niko Mohr, Lorenzo Pautasso, Ivan Ostojic, Linde Wester, and Rodney Zemmel

A burgeoning quantum-computing ecosystem and emerging business use cases promise to create significant value for industries—if executives prepare now.

Special Report

Quantum computing: An emerging ecosystem and industry use cases

Full Report (40 pages)

Accelerating advances in quantum computing are serving as powerful reminders that the technology is rapidly advancing toward commercial viability. In just the past few months, for example, a research center in Japan announced a breakthrough in entangling qubits (the basic unit of information in quantum, akin to bits in conventional computers) that could improve error correction in quantum systems and potentially make large-scale quantum computers possible.1 And one company in Australia has developed software that has shown in experiments...

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